Creating new Resources
To debate and define
- Conceptual tools to face global challenges
- Definition and measurement of sustainability, further from building and city scale
- Models and instruments viability in different situations
In order to tackle the global challenges, creating new knowledge, new strategies, and new technical and management developments, through scientific and technical research appears indispensable. That is, to create new resources.
The area Creating new resources follows the traditional scientific world conference structure, as was done in previous WSB events, with a Call for Papers and later revision by a Scientific Committee formed by peer members of the scientific and technical communities related to the related Conference topics.
Taking all the contributions received, the Scientific Committee will structure the Conference sessions, ordering them with a novel approach: grouping papers under several title questions that are related to the Conference goals, born from the content of the papers themselves. Thus, each Conference session will give an answer to the question under which the papers have been grouped. These answers will result in the conclusions of the area.
Consequently, speakers will reply to the questions giving their views and experience through speeches which will be published and disseminated in the Conference proceedings. The best contributions will be shortlisted and proposed for publishing in the magazine “Informes de la Construcción”, edited by the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science.
Two important initiatives, SB Challenge – gathering the best practices in sustainable building and reflections on the achievements obtained - and the International Universities Competition - which will assess the views of newly graduated professionals on the future that awaits them- will be included in this area.